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Reviews of Smethwick Drop Forge Ltd

On this page you will find reviews of Smethwick Drop Forge Ltd. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


8 people have reviewed this business

  • Grandad by Paul harvey

    My grandad worked at smethwick working on the largest press.he sadly had a heart attack on his way i... More»

  • My Grandad Derek Fincher 93 worked here by Mel Fincher

    My Grandad who is now 93 was a manager here during the war. He started in Smethwick then moved to Ki... More»

  • I am still here at the age of 92 by Victor Humphries

    I am now 92 years old and still very active living alone and looking after myself.I attended an Anz... More»

  • Victor John Humphries by Victor John Humphries

    Now 92 and still waiting for the SDF to compensate me for the 12 hour night shifst i did at the age ... More»

  • Help to link G K N to SD F by Anonymous

    Can anyone who worked at D S F have any evidence that S D F was linked to G K N i.e- a documents t... More»

  • How SDF began by John Worthington

    The roots of SDF can be traced to the establishment at Dudley in 1826 of a small concern, A Harper, ... More»

  • Me again by V. John Humphries

    Hi Victor Humphries.. still alive and kicking at 89 even tho! I had a pace maker fitted 3 weeks ago ... More»

  • 1941-1943 by V.J. Humphries

    My name is Victor John Humphries, I am 86.5 years of age, I worked in the machine shop on the bigges... More»

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